Motherhood Shawna Allan Motherhood Shawna Allan

30 Week Pregnancy Update and Reflections

There is something about hitting 30 weeks of pregnancy that feels like a HUGE milestone, I'm almost there! All the while, I’m trying to not get discouraged by my mile long to-do list and do my absolute best to enjoy these last few weeks with Brock as an only child for the last time.

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Motherhood Shawna Allan Motherhood Shawna Allan

20 Week Pregnancy Update

I guess it's true what they say... your second pregnancy really does fly by! I'm halfway there and I'm not even certain it's fully set in. There are lots of similarities but some definite differences I've experienced this time around... but most of all, I'm so incredibly thankful to be experiencing this miracle again! Here is my 20 week pregnancy update ♥

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Infertility Shawna Allan Infertility Shawna Allan

My Fertility Journey | Part One struggle to conceive?! I finally found the courage to share my long and painful infertility battle that lead to seven fertility procedures, lots of heartbreak but eventual success! Here is Part One.

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