First Trimester Must-Have's

The first trimester is such an exciting time! It's also a time filled with so many unknowns. Why am I so dang tired? Is what I’m feeling normal? Am I resting enough? Drinking enough water? Does everyone feel this sick or good? How much weight should I be gaining?  Etc, etc, etc... While no two women will have the same experience, there are a few essentials that most women really depend on at the beginning that I think are relevant to any pregnancy. I have actually received this very question so I decided to write a post including those exact things. I will also be sharing my second trimester essentials and then all the things I needed for the third trimester. Let's get started, here are my first trimester must-haves ♥


Prenatal Vitamin

For those who have read my Fertility Journey Part One and Two, you know how incredibly grateful I am to have gotten pregnant now two times successfully (once with IVF, one naturally). Having access to essential, nutritional options has given me that piece of mind I have needed while carrying my son and now my daughter. The easiest and one of the most beneficial things you can is take a prenatal vitamin. Prenatal vitamins are important for both moms and babies–not just during pregnancy, but also before AND after (while breastfeeding). Supplementing with prenatal vitamins prior to pregnancy provides your body (and baby) the vital nutrients needed during the first few weeks of conception. Folic Acid and Iron are two crucial prenatal ingredients that most women do not get enough of during pregnancy from food alone include. After giving birth, a mom’s body needs additional vitamins and minerals to help in restoring tissues and cells. In addition, prenatal vitamins taken after pregnancy help with breastfeeding by providing enough calcium and iron.I currently take Nature Made Prenatal with DHA. I also took this vitamin prior, during and after my pregnancy with Brock. 

Water Bottle

I can't stress how important hydration is for pregnancy... 100 oz a day important! When I'm pregnant my water bottle goes with me everywhere (just like my purse) think of it as your newest accessory ;) Finding a water bottle that you love (functionality and design) is very important. I'm personally a big cold water fan so I love the aluminum insulated bottles and it must have a straw for me to get the job done.This one by Reduce is my favorite.

Stretch Mark Prevention  (Lotion, Cream or Oil?)

To give yourself a fighting chance in preventing the the formation of stretch marks you must keep your skin well-hydrated.  Therefore finding a cream or oil that YOU like is extremely important since you're the one using it daily throughout your pregnancy. Ingredient list, product preference, consistency, and smell play a pivotal role in the stretch mark prevention method that you will ultimately choose. I tried a few different products throughout my first pregnancy. For me, I prefer to use a pregnancy lotion during the day because I cannot stand having oil all over me and my clothes all day. Nighttime (before bed) is when I apply the heavy duty stretch oil and let them penetrate into my skin all night while I sleep. To be honest, each time I research stretch products I get overwhelmed. There are so many brands and types to choose from, at all different price points. I had friends rave about products ranging from $15 (Bio Oil - 4.2 oz) to $125 (Tata Harper Body Balm - 5 oz).  Most important thing to consider with stretch creams and oils is that YOU like it and it's comfortable on your wallet since you will go through 2-3 containers throughout the duration of your pregnancy.*Application should not be limited to only your growing belly. I make sure to apply oils to my belly, sides, hips, butt, lower back and breasts.Day: I currently use Bella B Daily Moisturizer. It's safe, very smooth, the smell is beautiful and it's $10 bucks!Night: When I'm not using Katy's Homemade Belly Butter (my fave!)  I apply Earth Mama Belly Oil (recently re-branded) 

 Pregnancy Books and Apps

When I was pregnant for the first time, I was always wondering about every little change or feeling. Being so unsure, it was important for me to find things that brought me comfort and reassured me that everything was ok. A girlfriend of mine gifted me this book when I announced that I was pregnant with my son and I loved it. Since then, I have given it to all of my friends when they found out they were pregnant. I even handwrite little notes on particular weeks for things to look for or start thinking about which makes it fun and personal. Some other great books and apps that I loved my first trimester were – The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, What to Eat when You're Pregnant, Baby Center, Ovia Pregnancy and Baby 2 Body

Loose / Stretchy Clothing

Now for the fun part, the clothing! Even when you're 6 weeks pregnant... you feel 6 months pregnant! So much is happening to your body it leaves you feeling bloated and icky. I've been pregnant in the winter and summer months and I believe that sticking to looser, comfortable clothing (with stretch and elastic) feels like heaven on a growing body. Whenever possible, I preferred to invest in pieces of clothing that I could wear from the first trimester through post pregnancy. Sounds challenging? Hear me out. It's all about the dresses.... Shift, Empire Waist and A-Line Dresses. All three of these styles work on a growing pregnant body because they're more fitted on top but gradually flare out towards the bottom. GREAT for disguising figures! Still incredibly flattering and have a fun, flirty demeanor.My Floral Mini Shift by Ali & Jay (pictured)            


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