My Take: Chores + Allowance
My hot take on parenting is, keep it simple.
There are a few basic everyday chores that I expect my kids to do as part of their “daily routines”. Some of them have been much easier to engrain in their heads than others.
Insert the allowance tracker. For our family this has worked tremendously, especially with my 8 year old. A version of our tracker is attached below, feel free to download and edit for your kiddo. For us, we decided to give each chore/job a value $, but it’s not necessary, especially with the obvious things (brush teeth, make bed, etc.)
Having this tracker has allowed Brock to make some huge progress with his chores. He is a very easily distracted kid so having this in hand, with $ values attached, he can monitor is own progress without having to hear it from me nonstop. He’s proud when things get “checked off”, he enjoys being in charge of how much $ he can make each week, and it’s all up to him.
Another amazing bonus of the allowance tracker… at the end of every week he has to total everything up into one giant, complex, math problem! We usually give him a $20 so he has to practice working with money, he loves it.
Chores for Children Ages 2 to 3
Put toys away
Fill pet’s food dish
Put clothes in the hamper
Wipe up spills
Pile books and magazines
Chores for Children Ages 4 to 5
Any of the above chores, plus:
Make their bed
Empty wastebaskets
Bring in mail or newspaper
Clear table
Pull weeds, if you have a garden
Use hand-held vacuum to pick up crumbs
Water flowers
Unload utensils from dishwasher
Wash plastic dishes at sink
Fix bowl of cereal
Chores for Children Ages 6 to 7
Any of the above chores, plus:
Sort laundry
Sweep floors
Set and clear table
Help make and pack lunch
Weed and rake leaves
Keep bedroom tidy
Chores for Children Ages 8 to 9
Any of the above chores, plus:
Load dishwasher
Put away groceries
Help make dinner
Make own snacks
Wash table after meals
Make own breakfast
Peel vegetables
Cook simple foods, such as toast
Mop floor
Take pet for a walk
Chores for Children Ages 10 and Older
Any of the above chores, plus:
Unload dishwasher
Fold laundry
Clean bathroom
Wash windows
Wash car
Cook simple meals with supervision
Iron clothes
Do laundry
Baby-sit younger siblings (with an adult in the home)
Clean kitchen
Change their bed sheets