6 Easy Ways to Detox Your Life
Like many, I get that unsettling urge to make dramatic changes and lofty goals in my life as soon as I wake up on January 1st. I love the idea, yet it can also feel kind of daunting at the same time. Why don't we just set more attainable goals for ourselves and work on them all year. Why not have a goal each month that can help you become a better YOU the whole year through?Here are some things that I'm going to focus on freeing myself from mentally and physically this year. (Yes, I realize that we are in February.)
I've learned that holding on to stress, anger, worry, or other negative thoughts will get you just that...negativity. Treat yourself right and let stuff GO! I know it may be easier said than done but here are a few ways I'm going to clean up my mental space.
- Meditate: There is a wonderful app called "Calm" you can download. Guided meditations help focus on positivity, breathing deeply, and most importantly,Β letting go.
Write: You don't have to get all "Dear Diary" on yourself, just write down things that you are holding onto that are taking up precious mental real estate in your mind. Write it ALL down. Once you have your list read it out loud to yourself and after each statement say "Even though I am upset about ________, I completely love and accept myself." I use this list and repeat the exercise until I can honestly say to myself that I'm over the issues troubling me.
You only have ONE, for your whole life. Let that sink in. If you treat your body poorly you can expect it to perform poorly. For me, it can be a drag to go workout but I'm going to change my approach. I now tell myself that I am lucky that I am able to workout. After becoming a mother it became even more clear to me that I need to treat myself well because if I am not well, I won't be able to take care of my daughter. I can't even imagine not being there 100% for her! Here are some detox plans I have for my body this year.Juice Cleanse: I'm still researching brands and plans. If you have any suggestions please send them my way!Liver Detox: I just got these pills for a 14 day liver detox from Whole Foods. Your liver supports your body in so many ways and plays a central role in all metabolic processes. This detox will also include no drinking since that would defeat the purpose of cleansing the liver. I will update you and let you know how it goes.Sugar: I will give up sugar for a month this year! I don't mean like 100% because there is sugar in fruit and many other things but sweets, chocolate, candy, cookies, etc. This one will be difficult because I have a scoop of ice cream after dinner at least twice a week. Wish me luck!
My home is not that big, so the real estate in cabinets and closets are precious. I always keep a box in the garage that is for Goodwill. My husband and I will both just randomly throw stuff in there and it works out great!A fun exercise to do with your decorations is to move them around. Give lamps, art, pictures, plants, and other decor a second life by moving them to a different room in the house. This will make your old items feel new again, all without spending a dime!
It's not really just clothes, it's everything. The main I ask myself is "have I used this in the past two years?" If the answer is no....I throw it in the donation pile. Here are a list of items I went thru in my home.Clothes/Shoes:Β This includes all those old Pajamas that you've been holding on to for too long. Don't forget about drawers for panties, socks, swimwear. Unless it's sentimental, vintage, or super one of a kind...toss it. Accessories: I know most women have a ton of belts, purses, hats, and costume jewelry. When was the last time you looked at this section of stuff? I used to always tell myself that it's not taking up much space and try to justify keeping all this small crap that I haven't used in years! Get rid of it, no you aren't going to wear that cowboy hat or the bejeweled clutch in the back of the closet. Throw it in that box girl!
I recently learned that you can donate gently used beauty products to women's shelters. What a nice way to help a gal out by making sure she can look and feel her best for free. If you're like me, you bathroom drawers are busting at the seams with hair tools, brushes, makeup, skincare, etc. I recently went thru my stuff and was amazed that I was holding onto bottles of stuff that were practically empty. I also went thru our family medicine cabinet and boy did I find some nasty expired gems in there. Nothing like expired Pepto, that would probably end up making matters worse!
I saved this one for last because it can be a little touchy. Look inward at your life...are you happy where you are living? Do you love the person you are with? Does your job make you happy? Are your friendships positive and meaningful? Right now you're thinking, "Whoa, harsh!" But really, think about it. Like my comment about only having one body, you only have one life. People aren't going to make changes in life for you, only you can do that. YOU are the sole captain of Team You and you need to be giving yourself the best chance at making sure you are feeling fulfilled, loved, and most of all, HAPPY!I hope that 2108 brings you health, success, happiness, PEACE, LOVE, & STYLE. (see what I did there) Love Always,Katy xoxo