5 Ways to Make Holiday Travel Less Stressful

Last year we toted a toddler from San Diego to Salt Lake City for Christmas, then Sun Valley to bring in 2017. This year were off to New York (yep, were crazy). It's safe to say we have experience traveling during the holidays. We're regular travelers and like anything else, the more you do something the better you become at it. Understanding the fact that there are only parts of travel that I can control. Those parts, I have down to a T and I want to share a few of them with you now.

Find a fool-proof travel uniform

Developing a travel uniform takes the guess work out of travel and gives me comfort knowing that I have a cozy yet chic outfit I can rely on. Mine usually consists of leggings (these are still my favorites), a flattering top and comfortable-enough shoes (my go-to's at the moment). Of course when I'm hoping on a plane to Vegas for the weekend I don't dress so strategic. But when it comes to holiday travel, I always wear my bulkiest items on the plane, that means a jacket and boots. I love how outerwear doubles as a blanket or pillow on plane rides too.

Be travel & tech-ready

The in-flight entertainment situation requires preparation. When I'm traveling solo I must have 3 things : a pair of wireless earphones, my laptop and phone charger. Of course, when I have Brock with me, it's a much different experience (deep, slow breath).  The ability to have my hands free while traveling is so liberating, especially running after a toddler so I always travel with a backpack (this one is on my xmas list). Most of all, I love the extra space it provides.  I also always travel with a molded eye mask and ear plugs. I can't tell you how many times having those two things have saved me! We all know how important sleep is when traveling.

Pack like a boss

Preparing early helps me stress less...and I'm all about less stress. Ideally, I like to begin a week out so I can start to visualize what I'm bringing and plan/shop accordingly. The more time I allow myself to prep for a trip, the less stuff I end up bringing which is always the goal. That way I'm only bringing exactly what I need. I always pick one staple color for my main items (shoes, purses, jackets). That way all of the clothing items I pack will work together interchangeably, creating a chic and versatile wardrobe. There is no better feeling than to not have to think when you're on vacation. Put in the legwork early so that you can actually enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.More packing advice...When tight on space, roll your clothes. It also keeps things less wrinkly.I'm a fan of organizing my items with packing cubes (love these).Don't pack your gifts. Send them to their destination instead, buy gift cards or (my favorite) Amazon Prime it!

Simplify your beauty routine

Hair tools are bulky – do you really need to bring a blow dryer? I try and bring one hair tool that I can use at least two different ways. For example, when I pack my Beachwaver I can use it the traditional way BUT I can also wrap my hair around the rod creating a second look.A good rule of thumb with packing makeup is bring two looks, day and night. Have a darker eyeshadow, eyeliner and dramatic lip option for spicing things up at night (love these lip pencils).With holiday travel comes the unexpected travel delays and flight cancelations. For this reason (and only when possible) I try and carry on. That way I'm not stuck without my belongings for an extended period of time. I have had to invest in travel size everything over the years to be able to pull it off (there is nothing worse than to have to check your bag over a large face wash). I keep a running list of items that I need to replace when I return home from a trip. The best part is that it eliminates a large portion of your packing since it's always ready to go.

Maintain a good head space

Holiday travel is not easy, for anyone. Be prepared, accept and embrace the experience. Do what you can to set yourself up for success. Start rested, nourished and hydrated. Just because you're staying with family doesn't mean you have to completely fall off your schedule too. If you typically wake up, drink coffee and go for a run – then try to keep up with your routine when traveling. Everyone will benefit from your mood boost. 


From packing cubes, to my favorite shoes to travel in, check out my favorite items to travel with here![do_widget id=text-41]


Happy Holidays to you and your families!





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